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At one time or another, we will all find ourselves facing a dark journey—the passage through grief. Experiencing Grief is written for a person who is in the wake of despair grief leaves. This brief but powerful book will help lead readers out of their grief experience through five stages of grief. At the end of the journey is peace and a seasoned, more mature faith.
About the Author:
H. Norman Wright, author of more than 90 books, is a Christian grief and trauma therapist. He has helped thousands of people deal with grief, tragedy, and other concerns through books such as Experiencing Grief, The Complete Guide to Crisis and Trauma Counseling, and When it Feels Like the Sky is Falling. Dr. Wright has conducted community wide Grief Recovery seminars and Trauma and Crisis training throughout the country.
Published: 07/01/2004
Binding: Paperback
Size: 4.25 x 6.5 x 0.188
Weight: 0.134 ounces
Pages: 96
ISBN: 9780805430929
Item: EGRIEF122454
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