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Jesus warned that false teachers will deceive many people about and during the end times. He told us to avoid that deception by reading, heeding, and keeping His prophetic words. Do you know those words?
The Beginner’s Guide to End Time Prophecies is a verse-by-verse study of those words within the New Testament. It is a book written by a regular person on a church pew, for the person seeking to avoid that forewarned deception.
The author’s question-and-answer format guides both the beginning reader and longtime Bible student. The book begins with Jesus’s end-time prophecies in the gospels, then explores the prophecies the Apostles shared.
These serve as a guide to clarify the prophecies the resurrected Jesus gave us in Revelation. The book can be read straight through as an overview of Biblical prophecy, or used with the author as a fellow participant in group Bible study.
Church, Bible Class Resource for New Converts, Beginners and Pastors
Easter/Resurrection Inspirational Gift or for Any Occassion
Easter/Resurrection Inspirational Gift or for Any Occassion